Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pot Calling the Kettle Black

     How does that old adage go? "The Pot is calling the kettle black?  If everything that is surfacing is true (concerning the Broadwell and Petraeus scandal) is true, one would have to ask, "how did Kelly ever think that could get the F.B.I. involved and her personal information not get discovered? I scratch my head in disbelief. 

     Now let me see if I have this correct. Jill Kelly is having an affair with Marine Gen. John Allen yet she feels threatened by emails from Broadwell.  Turns these email threats over to  the FBI, not really knowing what the outcome, is also doing the same thing. Oh she may not be sending threatening emails, but along having an affair also.  One would have wonder what happens next. (...) Read more


Friday, September 14, 2012

Anti-film protests spread across Muslim world

CAIRO (AP) — Angry protests over an anti-Islam film spread across the Muslim world Friday, with demonstrators scaling the walls of U.S. embassies in Tunisia and Sudan, torching part of aGerman embassy and clashing with security forces at an American fast-food restaurant that was set ablaze in northern Lebanon.
Egypt's new Islamist president went on national TV and appealed to Muslims to not attack embassies, denouncing the violence earlier this week in Libya that killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador. Mohammed Morsi's first public move to restrain protesters after days of near silence appeared aimed at repairing strains with the United States over this week's violence.
Police in Cairo prevented stone-throwing demonstrators from nearing the U.S. Embassy, firing tear gas and deploying armored vehicles to push them back in a fourth day of clashes in the Egyptian capital.
The day of protests, which spread to around 20 countries, started small and mostly peacefully in countries such as Indonesia,Malaysia, India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The most violent demonstrations took place in the Middle East. In many places, only a few hundred took to the streets, mostly ultraconservative Islamists — but the mood was often furious.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Panel asks: Can Christians vote for a Mormon?

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP) -- Addressing an issue on the minds of many evangelical voters as a Mormon runs for president, a Baptist seminary panel said Tuesday that evangelicals must jettison -- for the good of their faith -- the idea that the White House occupant must be a "religious mascot" for Christianity. 

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary hosted the panel discussion, less than two months before American voters will choose between President Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney, who is Mormon.

"We are going to have to give up -- on both sides -- the idea of president as religious mascot."
--Russell Moore
"I heard someone in recent days say, 'I would never vote for anyone who is not an authentically professing evangelical Christian,'" said Russell D. Moore, dean of the school of theology at Southern Seminary. "Well, if that's the case, then as far as I can see, you have about three candidates in the last 100 years or so ... that you could possibly vote for: William Jennings Bryan, Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush.

"The question is not John 3:16 in terms of reading the regeneration of the person's heart," Moore said. "The question is Romans 13: Does this person have the kind of wisdom to bear the sword on behalf of God's authority that He has granted to the state? And can I trust that person to protect society? That's the fundamental question." 

American Christians too often, said seminary president R. Albert Mohler Jr., have seemingly assigned a "priestly role" to the White House, hoping the president will represent and promote the Christian faith. But that is a uniquely American idea, Mohler said, and unhealthy for Christianity. 

"I had a pastor say to me, 'You just can't be faithful and vote for someone who represents such things or believes such things [as Mormons believe],'" Mohler said. "And I said, 'What if you're a Christian in Utah? Do you just not vote? What if your decision is between two Mormon candidates?'

"Throughout most of Christian history, folks haven't struggled with this question because they didn't have the luxury of struggling with it. ... The separation of the priestly role from government is something that has to happen in the minds of American evangelicals," Mohler said, warning against viewing government as an idol.  

Read more.

Do Christians Forgive?

I have often wondered (still do) why so many who call themselves Christians simply WILL NOT forgive....

Jesus put it like this:

And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. “But aif you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions. "

Notice the words in v15: ...in you do not forgive others their transgressions, your Father will not forgive your transgression."

What is the world does that mean? If we don't forgive others, the Lord will not forgive us? Do people really believe this? Of course not. If they did, there would be forgiveness!

I have often said, you are more like Christ than any other time when you forgive.

John MacArthur writes:

But if you do not forgive men, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions. That states the truth of verse 14 in a negative way for emphasis.

The sin of an unforgiving heart and a bitter spirit (Heb. 12:15) forfeits blessing and invites judgment. Even the Talmud taught that he who is indulgent toward others’ faults will be mercifully dealt with by the Supreme Judge (Shabbath 151b).

Every believer must seek to manifest the forgiving spirit of Joseph (Gen. 50:19–21) and of Stephen (Acts 7:60) as often as needed (Luke 17:3–4).

To receive pardon from the perfectly holy God and then to refuse to pardon others when we are sinful men is the epitome of abuse of mercy. And “judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment” (James 2:13).

There are petitions for the believer to ask from God, but there are also conditions for the answers to be received. Even more, our prayers are to be primarily concerned with the exaltation of the name, kingdom, and will of the Lord Jesus Christ. Prayer is primarily worship which inspires thanks and personal purity.

Why don't Christians forgive? Christians do! Those who merely call themselves Christian may not necessarily be one.

"You say with your lips you love me, Jesus said, but your hearts are far from me."

*John F. MacArthur, Jr., Matthew, MacArthur New Testament Commentary (Chicago: Moody Press, 1985), 397-98.

**New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (LaHabra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995), Mt 6:12–15.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Religious Tolerance in America

A Must Read....

Religious Tolerance in America

Religious tolerance is a growing social movement in America, and it should be.  We live in a world of religious pluralism.  There are about about 2 billion Christians, more than 1 billion Muslims, 700+ million Hindus, 350+ million Buddhists, 150 million Atheists, 14 million Jews, etc.  It would seem that religious tolerance is a necessity if we are going to get along.  We need to be tolerant of those who have different religious beliefs.  We should not hate and persecute someone because of his or her faith.

On one hand, religion is a good thing.  It helps people cope with life's difficulties.  It gives people peace and helps them have goals and a standard of right and wrong by which to live.  On the other hand, religion has been used to destroy peoples' lives.  We only need reflect on Bosnia, on the problems between Israel and the Palestinians, etc., to quickly realize that religion can be a force for harm as well as good.  This is all the more reason to be tolerant of other people's beliefs so that hatred and pain can be lessened.

Religious tolerance is especially important here in the United States since we have such a variety of people and cultures from all over the world.  If our society is to function well, it needs unity and consistency.  That is why it is good to have a common language, a common culture, and a common form of government. But, do we need a common religion?  Of course not.  We are too different and have too many differences of opinions on God.  Some say God is a force, others that He is personal.  Some say we are divine by nature and others deny this.  All cannot be correct.

Is there only one truth?

Saturday, May 19, 2012

So Much for Freedom of Speech!

Tennessee Football Coach fired for making Obama song. He'll make more money when this song becomes a big hit than he would teaching school.

Tennessee middle school assistant football coach, age 26, fired for a song he wrote and played!  This could be the next number one hit country song. It's the best effort yet at encapsulating the outrage at the oversteps of this government in an entertaining song.

Apparently, the guy was fired over the song because some parents complained. If you like it, help it go "viral" by passing it along
Click for a Great Song!!!

Although I am not a country music lover, I really enjoy this man's song. Perhaps the content has something to do with it. Who knows, he may make enough from this song he could retire a wealthy man!

The President and Gay Marriage

There comes a time when one must stand up and speak out!  Is this a political move to gain votes, or more?

On Wednesday afternoon, [May 9, 2012] to no one’s surprise, President Obama revealed in an interview that after some “evolution” he has “concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married.” This after the Vice-President came out last Sunday strongly in favor of gay marriage. Not coincidentally, the New York Times ran an article on Tuesday (an election day with a marriage amendment on one ballot) about how popular and not controversial gay television characters have become. In other words, everyone else has grown up so why don’t you? It can seem like the whole world is having a gay old time, with conservative Christians the only ones refusing to party.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Staver: Judge helping Obama 'sabotage marriage'
Read More:


What Makes The Difference?

As most of us keep up with the events surrounding Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani and perhaps his imminent execution, I have wondered (and perhaps you have too) what would the outcome look like if there was a  Christian (in any country) who had converted to Islam and their life was being threatened? Muslims would be furious to say the least.  Iran is suppose to be a country with religious freedom.  Hmmm?  Perhaps so, so long as you're talking about Muslim freedom.  We need to let our voices be heard!

For more information follow this link:

Monday, January 16, 2012

I have a passion for both evangelism and discipleship. In fact, I have always argued that they are two sides of the same coin. The lack of discipleship within many churches has been one of the number one reasons that churches are no longer growing and/or declining.

I read the article Who's Raising Up Future Pastors, and I tell you, it really got my attention and as you read it, I sure hope it gets your attention as well.

Raising up Future Pastors
by Wade Brown

In a time when pastors are leaving the ministry at a very rapid rate, here's a question in which every church needs to engage: Who will the next generation of pastors be? More importantly, who will shoulder the majority of the responsibility in helping to equip young men to serve as pastors?

Hopefully, the church will rise to this challenge. It certainly did 2,000 years ago. Paul and Barnabas were sent out by the local church (Acts 13:1-3). In 2 Timothy 2:2, Paul exhorts Timothy, the pastor at Ephesus, to entrust biblical truths and principles to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.

While Bible colleges and seminaries do a good job of further preparing pastors through the content heavy curricula of church history, systematic theology, the languages and other topics, we shouldn't expect them to identify and ultimately raise up pastors. That responsibility rests with the Church. How can you, in your role as a pastor, help set that tone?

First, pray that God will help you to remain faithful to biblical teaching and your disciple-making efforts.

Second, pray that God will help you identify those young men who He has already called into the pastorate.

Third, prayerfully consider starting an internship ministry for these young men—a place where they can process their calling out loud and, along with others, be more fully equipped for ministry.

Finally, find time to hang out with these young men. Allow them to ask questions about what's stirring in their hearts concerning their calling. Encourage them to share their fears and their excitement. In time, give them opportunities to serve, to teach, to preach. In doing so, you are helping to prepare the next generation of pastors.

I am a pastor today ultimately by God's grace. Though, I know He used my church of 20 years ago, and especially the pastor of that church to help me (and many others) to discern and embrace His calling on my life to pursue the pastorate. While it has been a bumpy ride at times, I'm grateful for my calling and for the church that helped equip me and sent me out!

Enjoy the journey!
Wade Brown Image
Wade Brown
Director, Church and Community Care
Focus on the Family